Belt Sander
Grip Inlay
Grinding Tool
High Speed
Blank Cutoff

Rod Building Tools
Merrick Tackle carries all of the tools a rod builder needs to create a masterpiece of angling art, including:
- Alcohol Burner
- Bench Lights
- Brushes
- Buffing Wheels & Polishing Compounds
- Burnishing Tools
- Calipers, Tip Sizers & Measuring Tools
- Clippers
- Cork Ring Clamps
- Epoxy Glues
- Finish Coloring Agents
- Forceps
- Guide Alignment Tool
- Guide Placement Tool
- Heat Gun
- Inscription Tools
- Measuring and Mixing Supplies
- Metallic Stardust Butt Wraps
- Pliers
- Rod Builders' Masking Tape in 1/4", 1/8", 1/16", and 1/32" Widths
- "Razor Wand" Reaming Tools
- Rasps
- Spine Finder
- Thread Bobbins
- Thread Tension Devices
- Tie Tray
- Tweezers
- Utility Knives
- Visual Wrap Software
- Weaving Jigs
plus many more...