Al Agnew
Wdely recognized as the
world’s finest freshwater fish and wildlife artist, Al Agnew has teamed
up with AFTCO Bluewater to create — and proudly “introduce”
inside the pages of this catalog — a unique line of lifestyle sportswear
for freshwater fishermen, hunting enthusiasts, or anyone who simply appreciates
nature. Featured is a spectacular selection of T-Shirts and sweatshirts with
full-color, full-back designs that vividly depict, to the last detail, Al
Agnew’s award-winning artwork of popular freshwater game fish and North
American wildlife. In addition, the new Al Agnew by AFTCO Bluewater collection
will offer an “embroidery” line of casual wear that includes shirt
styles, hats and beanies, jackets, fleece and belts.
t-shirts |
bass short sleeve MTA1505 (WHT) white s, m, l, xl, 2x, 3x (BLK) black m, l, xl, 2x |
crankbait MTA1516 (BLK) black m, l, xl, 2x |
crappie short sleeve MTA1514 (WHT) white s, m, l, xl, 2x, 3x |
jeopardy short sleeve MTA1512 (BLK) black m, l, xl, 2x |
bass short sleeve MTA1540 (WHT) white s, m, l, xl, 2x, 3x (BRN) brown m, l, xl, 2x available 10.01.07 |
turkey short sleeve MTA1542 (TAN) tan (MOS) moss m, l, xl, 2x available 10.01.07 |
herd short sleeve MTA1522 (WHT) white s, m, l, xl, 2x, 3x |
covey short sleeve MTA1533 (BLK) black m, l, xl, 2x |
canvasbacks short sleeve MTA1526 (WHT) white s, m, l, xl, 2x, 3x |
collage short sleeve MTA1543 (WHT) white s, m, l, xl, 2x, 3x (TAN) tan (mOS) moss m, l, xl, 2x available 10.01.07 |
bass short sleeve MTA1504 (WHT) white s, m, l, xl, 2x, 3x (DEN) denim m, l, xl, 2x |
smallmouth bass short sleeve MTA1510 (BRN) brown (MOS) moss m, l, xl, 2x |
and release short sleeve MTA1513 (BLK) black (DEN) denim m, l, xl, 2x |
opportunity short sleeve MTA1515 (WHT) white s, m, l, xl, 2x, 3x (MOS) moss m, l, xl, 2x |
boar short sleeve MTA1523 (BRN) brown (TAN) tan m, l, xl, 2x |
dance short sleeve MTA1529 (MOS) moss (TAN) tan m, l, xl, 2x |
sentinel short sleeve MTA1530 (DEN) demin m, l, xl, 2x |
soaring short sleeve MTH1531 (WHT) white s, m, l, xl, 2x, 3x (DEN) denim m, l, xl, 2x |
hunt short sleeve MTA1532 (TAN) tan m, l, xl, 2x |
and back image t-shirts |
engulfed short sleeve MTA3501 (TAN) tan (SEA) seaweed long sleeve MTA4501 (BLK) black m, l, xl, 2x |
front and back images | |||
bronzeback short sleeve MTA3509 (SBLU) slate m, l, xl, 2x |
front and back images | |
jump short sleeve MTA3520 (TAN) tan (BLK) black long sleeve MTA4520 (BRN) brown m, l, xl, 2x |
front and back images | |
pintails short sleeve MTA3525 (SEA) seaweed m, l, xl, 2x |
front and back images | |
back and sleeve accent image on long sleeve t-shirts |
largemouth MTA1502 short sleeve (WHT) white s to 3x (DEN) denim long sleeve MTA2502 (MOS) moss M to 2X available NOW |
front |
primetime MTA1503 short sleeve (WHT) white s to 3x (MOS) moss (TAN) tan long sleeve MTA2503 (MID) midnight M to 2X available NOW |
front |
zone MTA1506 short sleeve (BLK) black (MOS) moss long sleeve MTA2506 (NAT) natural M to 2X available 10.01.07 |
front |
on a fly MTA1511 short sleeve (DEN) denim (BRN) brown MTA2511 long sleeve (MID) midnight M to 2X available NOW |
front |
homestead MTA1517 short sleeve (WHT) white (BRN) brown MTA2517 long sleeve (MOS) moss M to 2X available NOW |
front |
dream MTA1518 short sleeve (TAN) tan (MOS) moss MTA2518 long sleeve (NAT) natural M to 2X available 10.01.07 |
front |
point buck MTA1519 short sleeve (BLK) black (DEN) denim MTA2519 long sleeve (BRN) brown M to 2X available NOW |
front |
three MTA1521 short sleeve (BRN) brown MTA2521 long sleeve (NAT) natural M to 2X available NOW |
front |
mallards MTA1524 short sleeve (BLK) black (DEN) denim MTA2524 long sleeve (MOS) moss M to 2X available NOW |
front |
collage MTA1527 short sleeve (WHT) white MTA2527 long sleeve (MOS) moss M to 2X available NOW |
front |
turkey MTA1528 short sleeve (BRN) brown MTA2528 long sleeve (MID) midnight M to 2X available NOW |
front |
buck MTA1541 short sleeve (BRN) brown MTA2541 long sleeve (MID) midnight M to 2X available 10.01.07 |
front |
buck MTA1544 short sleeve (TAN) tan (MOS) moss MTA2544 long sleeve (MID) midnight M to 2X available 10.01.07 |
front |
t-shirts |
Danger Zone MTA6506 (KHA) khaki M to 2X cotton jersey cut and sewn garment available 11.01.07 |
Big Buck MTA6544 (SAN) sand M to 2X cotton jersey cut and sewn garment available 11.01.07 |
Wild Boar MTA6523 (KHA) khaki M to 2X cotton jersey cut and sewn garment available 11.01.07 |
Big Turkey MTA6542 (SAN) sand M to 2X cotton jersey cut and sewn garment available 11.01.07 |