Matagi 58, 59, 60, 85
Matagi Quick Order Reference
Chart 59, 60
Material Clip 343
Material Spring 343
McMahon Snaps 375
Measuring Cups 28
Measuring Pippets 28
Melting Equipment 319
Mesh Tape 44
Metal Ring Guides 132
Metallic Tape 49
Metalset 35
Microbrush 21
Micrometer 43
MIcrometer 38
Minnow Body Tubing 350
Minnow Net 464
Mirage Flashabou 349
Miter Box 40
Mixer 34
Mixing Sticks 28
Molds 311-318
Monel 399
Money Clip 294
Mono Cutter 371
Morton Guide Graph 37
Motion Sickness Medicine 450
Motor Stand 27
Motors 28, 29, 33
Mottled Turkey 353
Multiple Rod Dryer 30
Mushroom Caps 50
Nail Knotter 396
Needles 374
Neoprene Gloves 468
Net Knife 367
Net Retractor 346
Nets 357-359, 388, 411, 446
Nordic Eel Jigs 325
Nylon Hair 350, 352
Nymphs 355
O Rings 27, 32, 62
Oars 469
Oil 446
Optimum Flow 27
Organized Fishing 449
Outrodder 332, 389, 395
Component Systems 322
Fluorescent 322
Marbling 21
Powder Paint (Pro-Tec) 322
Rod Builders 21
Testors 21
Thinner 322
Vinyl Jig 322
Palm Support 94
Para Line 9
Paracord 24
Peacock Feathers 348
Gel 40
Lettering 26
Metallic Markers 42
Sharpie 40
Perfect Poppers 352
Perfect Rubber 349
Perma Gloss 35
Pillows 470
Pilot Drill Bit 79
Pilot Pens 42
Pin Clip 342
Pipets 28
Pit Paste 27
Planers 388
Plastic Bait 322
Plate Seats 94
Plier Cases 373
Braid 371, 373
Donnmar 370
Guide Pliers 22
Hackle Pliers 340
Hi-Seas 371
M&M 346
Manley 373
Mustad Pliers 372
Skinning 366
Split-Ring 367, 373
Stone Fly 340
Plugs 54, 337, 338
Polarflash 351
Polarized Sunglasses 360
Policy Pages A-H, 472-483
Polishing Cloth 38
Polishing Compounds 39
Popper Corks 352
Power Handles 437
Professional Finish 24
Pumps (Measuring) 28
Push Poles 269
PVC Tubing 310
Quick Links 377
Quick Pull 22
Quik-Bond 36
Quikgrip 61
Rail Rod Grip 64
Rain Gear 455, 459
Rasps 40
Rattles 399
Raw Hypalon 79
Razor Blades 42
Razor Reamers 41
Reading Glasses 446
Reamer Abrasive 25
Reamers 22, 39, 41
Reel Colors 117
Reel Covers 384, 454
Reel Drag Reel Seat/Rod Butt
Reel Drag Technologies 186,
Reel Drag Technology 118
Reel Grease 446
Reel Oil 446
Reel Seat Paste 42
Reel Seats
Adjustable 97
Aftco 120
Andrew's 83, 84
CUI 100
Fuji 86, 87-97
Graphite/Stainless 97
Lakeland 100
Matagi 85
Merrick 97, 117
PacBay 101-116
Perfection 120
REC 98, 99
Stuart 119
FJ Neil 444
Hand 444
Ice Fishing 466
Okuma 438-443
Tica 432-437
Release Clamp 355
Release Clips 388
Release Knife 367
Repair Kits
Blank 248
Guide 37
Rod 200
Tip Top 37, 200
Rib Gauge 64
Rig Arms 374
Rigging Floss 391, 396
Rigging Hardware 376, 377
RIgging Hardware 377
Rigging Kit Bag 393
Rigging Needles 374
Rigging Wire 396
F.J. Neil 308
Kattakuri 307
Mustad 305
Owner 303, 304
Sabiki 304, 305
Spreader 336, 397
Umbrella 325, 336
Ring Inserts 177
Rocket Launcher 389
Rod and Reel Soft Case 384
Rod Bags 243, 453
Rod Bench Light 43
Rod Builder’s Hammer 43
Rod Builders Light 43
Rod Builders Saw 39
Rod Building Kit 25
Rod Cases 243, 249, 453
Rod Covers 453
Rod Dancer 27
Rod Dryer 29, 30, 31, 41
Rod Dust 35
Rod Finish. See Finish
Rod Grip Tape 61, 69
Rod Holders 373
Rod Racks 244, 444, 449, 450
Rod Rigger 389
Rod Rings 117
Rod Socks 243
Rod Tether 395
Rod Top Kit 37
Rod Wrappers 27-33, 41
Roddancer 27
Bronco 431
FJ Neil 429
Ice Fishing 465, 466
Lamiglas 413-424
Seeker 429, 430
Tica 427, 428
Tony Maja 332
Roller Parts 121, 122
Roller Support 27
Rooster Saddle Patches 348
Rotary File Set 41
Rotary Rasps 40
Round Beads 400
Round Rings 300, 377
Rubber Bands (Dental) 23
Ruler 40
Running Line 361
S-Glass Blanks 246
Sabiki Blank 37
Sabiki FIsh Catchers 37
Sabiki Rigs 304, 305, 307
Sabiki Tips 37
Saddle Hackle 349
Saddle Patches 348
Safety Caps 300
Safety Snap Hooks 377
Saltwater Spoons 329
Sand Spikes 387, 388
Sander 44
Sanding Blocks 67
Sanding Drum and Sleeve
(Mounted) 40
Sandpaper 67
Savagear 292
Saws 39, 40
Scabbard 369
Scalers 365
Scales 118, 371, 372
Braided Line 404
Fish Shears 366
Fly Tying 340, 344, 346
Rod Building 22
Rod Wrapping 21
Thread 26
Scriber 40
Sea Anchor 393
Sea Anchor Harness 393
Seat Plug 97
Seine Twine 9
Sensor Tubing 245
Set Ups 268, 269
Shackles 377
Shad Darts 329
Shad Spoons 329
Shank Mandrel 39
Shark Floats 375
Shark Rigs 308
Sharkskin 63
Sharpeners (Hook) 370, 372
Sharpeners (Knife) 370
Sharpening Stones 365
Shims 82, 117
Shirts 332, 471
Shop Apron 40
Shoulder Harness 383
Shrink Tube 61, 63, 310
Sinker Eyes 375
Sinker Kits 450
Sinker Molds 315-318